I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Victor Modafferi, Owner and Tattooer… Bullseye Tattoo. A great guy and some killer answers for my stupid question! Read and enjoy!
Joey Caps:
First off i’d like to thank you for getting online so early to answer some questions for our new site www.fuckthedumb.com
My pleasure!
Joey Caps:
What are your feelings on the Asshole movement? Basically artists uniting and trying to keep a brotherhood and sisterhood in an industry that seems to just keep its own little sects and heavy on the politics?
Seems to be a good thing, it is always a good thing in my opinion to share ideas, techniques, thoughts etc…. I think there is something to learn from everyone
Joey Caps:
Do you have any particular feelings on the heavy politics in the tattoo industry?
There will always be politics in any industry…who likes who and who is kissing whose ass… it is unfortunate
Joey Caps
Agreed! It’s a never ending cycle that just seems to be getting worse… IMO
You are probably right.
Joey Caps:
Enough of that, let’s get onto your story and background. I understand you practiced at the Fashion institute, what was your major?
haha seems like a lifetime ago… yeah I majored in Illustration at FIT in Manhattan. I graduated and found the art business to be a tough one so I took a job delivering mail for the Post Office. haha. I was a mail carrier for about 3-4 years and then I quit to pursue art again.
Joey Caps:
I was a mail carrier in the air force… i know where you are coming from… right back to the art, the love of your life
Yeah man, mail wasn’t my thing. I worked hard and eventually got on my feet as an illustrator and painter. By chance I ran into a friend I went to FIT with and he told me he was drawing tattoo flash and selling it to shops. Seemed like a good way to make some cash….and that is pretty much how Bullseye the flash company started.